Tennessee Room

Monday-Saturday 9:00am - 5:00pm 
(731) 300-3980
The Tennessee Room staff can assist patrons with use of the collection.
Visitors are asked to sign the guest register upon entering. 
Minors are required to be accompanied by a parent.

About Us

The Tennessee Room houses a non-circulating special collection devoted to genealogical and local historical research.
In addition to over 5,000 books, there are over 1,945 microfilm rolls containing Madison County Records, Tennessee Census schedules (1810-1930), Jackson, TN newspapers (various dates beginning in 1823), Tennessee Death Indexes (1908-1957), Tennessee Death Certificates (1908-1957), and other records .

The collection includes maps, Jackson city directories, funeral records, vertical files, special collections, and photographs.

The Tennessee Room also serves to pay tribute to Emma Inman Williams (1906-1992), teacher, writer, editor, historian, and the first Tennessee Room librarian (1972-1986). "Miss Emmy", as she was often called, served as Madison County historian for many years. Her book, Historic Madison was published in three editions (1946, 1972, 1986) and still serves as the primary introduction to Madison County's early history.

The Tennessee Room maintains a close working relationship with the Mid-West Tennessee Genealogical Society and has a complete set of back issues of their publication, Family Findings.

Genealogy & Local History Holdings


The Tennessee Room has a collection of photographs and postcards pertaining to Jackson's past.  The  photographs are mostly copy prints provided by various donors.
A selection of photographs from the Jackson Business History Collection can be viewed here.

Obituary Index

The index, beginning with 1936, follows the most consistent sequence of The Jackson Sun publication dates. Issues prior to 1936 have been indexed in other sources.
This index was conceived by Jimmy Wilkins, Tennessee Room volunteer and part-time employee, who spent countless hours reading The Jackson Sun over many years. 


Once there, you can search for a certain year or newspaper by pressing Ctrl + F on your keyboard to bring up a search box. Once you have the search box you are able to type in the year or title of the newspaper you are looking for.

From the Vault - Tennessee Room Spotlight

The Golden Age of the Jackson Area Chamber of Commerce

by Catherine Carls - Tennessee Room Volunteer - 01/18/2025

Jackson Sun Column 06/14/1965 p.2
Jackson Area Chamber of Commerce - Past Presidents- c.1980
Chamber Envelope Originally Housing the Photos
While processing the Harvey Proctor Collection, I came across this awesome picture (center) of past presidents of the Jackson Area Chamber of Commerce that includes the years 1940 to 1974 . What is special about the picture is that it lists all their names. These were the movers and shakers who led and served Jackson during twenty-four important years. Bankers, businessmen, engineers, entrepreneurs, city officials, and administrators are smiling for the camera. They are in the prime of their lives. Yet all of them can remember the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.
This generation of leaders was put to the test during World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. They sustained Jackson and Madison County during these wars and oversaw their return to a peacetime economy not once, not twice, but three times.

This moving picture is an example of the photographic treasures contained in the Harvey Proctor Collection that was recently donated to the Tennessee Room. The Harvey and Proctor families were involved in developing the media presence in Jackson. Building on the legacy of Clarence E. Pigford, the longtime publisher of The Jackson Sun, they organized and managed Jackson’s first radio station, WTJS (West Tennessee Jackson Sun) that was located on top of the highest hill in Jackson that sits behind the First Presbyterian and First Baptist churches’ campuses. They recorded just every business and religious program, leaving an invaluable legacy of tapes that have been digitized and are available to the public. They developed Jackson Madison County General Hospital and the adjacent residential areas that were part of the estate of Clarence E. and Sally Pigford. In the 1980s, they brought the first television station and later the first internet service to Jackson. They, along with the Chamber of Commerce Presidents photographed in the picture, were the modernizers and the developers of Jackson and Madison County.

Dr. Alice-Catherine Carls
About Our Staff and Volunteers
Dr. Alice-Catherine Carls is one of our treasured volunteers here in the Tennessee Room. Before volunteering in the Tennessee Room, Catherine earned her Ph.D in the History of International Relations from the University of Paris I - Sorbonne. As Professor Emerita of History at the University of Tennessee - Martin, Catherine helps preserve and write the history of West Tennessee, you can even find a few of her published works here in the Tennessee Room library!  Some of the Special Collections Catherine as worked with include Liberty Garden, Robert D. Conger Jaycees, and she is currently processing the Harvey Proctor Collection. 

Tennessee Room Blog

Ushering in a New Year!
December 31st, 2024
Happy Holidays!Welcome 2025! "Out with the old; in with the new."As the saying goes, a New Year is definitely a time to look ahead with anticipation.Off course, the Tennessee Room isn't so hasty to discard the past. We organize and archive!Here are some examples pertaining to New Year festivities. Elizabeth Bond, a Jackson High School student, filled the pages of her senior scrapbook titled The Gi...
Remembering Pearl Harbor
December 6th, 2024
On December 7, 1941, the Imperial Japanese Navy launched a surprise attack on the United States, a day President Franklin D. Roosevelt called “a date which will live in infamy.” In honor of World War II heroes, Congress declared December 7th as National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, with a proclamation starting in 1994 under President Bill Clinton continuing every year since. The newspaper shown, ...
Jackson & Madison County Book on Sale for Reduced Price
December 12th, 2023
For sale at the library for $20.00(cash or check only)Proceeds support the Friends of the Library From 2016:"What better way to start the new year than with a new book!  The new pictorial history entitled, Jackson & Madison County: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow was published just before Christmas and is still available for purchase at the Jackson-Madison County Library. Its main feature is the super...
Mr. A.M. Pounds and his 90th Birthday
December 12th, 2023
Arlie M. Pounds, a former Tennessee Room assistant, celebrated his 90th birthday on January 25, 2012, with a small ceremony hosted at the Jackson-Madison County Library. Although he is no longer with us, Mr. Pounds is remembered not only for his contributions to the Tennessee Room, but also for his participation in Dixie League baseball and his time served as a veteran of World War 2. A truck and ...
Marathon Motor Works
December 12th, 2023
The Rise and Fall of Marathon Motor Worksby D. Phillip Kaiser and Diane Kurek Kaiser This exciting new addition to the Tennessee Room is the first book of a projected trilogy concerning the automobile manufacturing  company  known as the Marathon Motor Works and its parent company, the Southern Engine and Boiler Works, along with the men who were instrumental in its creation and its demise.  In ad...

Genealogy Related Websites

  • Ancestry Library Edition 
    • To access Ancestry Library Edition, you must either be using the library's WIFI (JMCL GIG) from your own device or the computer in our lab. This is IP address specific, meaning this resource is not available off-site.
  • HeritageQuest
    • HeritageQuest Online includes all of the images, and extensive indexing, from the 1790 - 1930 U.S. federal censuses. It offers more than 20,000 book titles, including nearly 8,000 family histories and over 12,000 local histories. Additionally, there are more than 250 primary-source documents such as tax lists, city directories, probate records, and more. Researchers can use HeritageQuest Online to find their ancestors, trace their paths across America, and learn what life was like in the areas where they settled.
      To access HeritageQuest through the JMCL Library you would Enter your Library Card number when prompted.
  • Tennessee Records Repository - Madison County 
    • The primary entry point for on line genealogical research for Madison County is located on the TNGenWeb. The Tennessee Records Repository has been established as an additional resource in support of the Madison County TNGenWeb. The Co. TN genealogical records held here are for use by the general public. These records have been donated to TNGenNet Inc. for permanent online free-access.
  • TNGenWeb Project 
    • We, the volunteers of the TNGenWeb Project, are committed to maintaining and enhancing this FREE online genealogy project for the benefit of the public good. All Tennessee counties will have an area for you to post queries and to access county information. Additionally, we will offer related Tennessee historical information and also, some historical information relative to adjoining states.
  • US GenWeb Project  
    • We are a group of volunteers working together to provide free genealogy websites for genealogical research in every county and every state of the United States. This Project is non-commercial and fully committed to free genealogy access for everyone. Organization is by county and state, and this website provides you with links to all the state genealogy websites which, in turn, provide gateways to the counties. The USGenWeb Project also sponsors important Special Projects at the national level and this website provides an entry point to all of those pages, as well.
  • World GenWeb Project 
    • The WorldGenWeb Project is divided into 11 World Regions. Each region is divided up by countries and each country is divided into individual provinces, states, or counties (terms vary depending on administrative divisions).
  • RootsWeb
    • More than 10 billion historical records and more than 136 million photographs, scanned documents and written stories have been uploaded
  • Family Search 
    • Records span billions of names across hundreds of collections—including birth, marriage, death, probate, land, military, IGI extracted, and more.
  • Cyndi's List 
    • Cyndi's List has been a trusted genealogy research site for more than 15 years. Cyndi's List is free for everyone to use and it is meant to be your starting point when researching online.
  • GenForum 
    • Over 14,000 online forums devoted to genealogy, including surnames, U.S. states, countries, and general topics.
  • Steven Morse's One Step Portal for Genealogy Searching 
    • In the “old days” genealogical research was done by traveling great distances and then going through dusty archives or using microfilm readers. But the advent of the World Wide Web has changed that. Today much of the data useful to genealogists has been put on websites and can be accessed from the comfort of home.
  • Tennessee Vital Records 
    • The Shelby County Register of Deeds website provides indexes to Tennessee vital records, including a death records index 1949-2014, a divorce records index 1980-2014, and a marriage records index 1980-2014.
  • Helm's Genealogy Toolbox 
    •  Helm's Genealogy Toolbox is the oldest comprehensive genealogy and local history index, first appearing in 1994. The links on this site point to other resources available on the World Wide Web to assist your research.