Jackson & Madison County Book on Sale for Reduced Price

For sale at the library for $20.00
(cash or check only)
Proceeds support the Friends of the Library
(cash or check only)
Proceeds support the Friends of the Library
From 2016:
"What better way to start the new year than with a new book! The new pictorial history entitled, Jackson & Madison County: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow was published just before Christmas and is still available for purchase at the Jackson-Madison County Library. Its main feature is the superb photography work of Jackson photographer Mitch Carter. Browsers of this book will be fascinated by the “then & now” comparative photos and some wonderfully clear aerial photos of Jackson. Thomas Aud’s photo captions provide intriguing historical and descriptive information for the photos, while Harbert Alexander weaves it all together with his narrative. Mary Reed’s profiles bring the focus closer on many present businesses, institutions, and corporations. There is much to explore in this book. "
"What better way to start the new year than with a new book! The new pictorial history entitled, Jackson & Madison County: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow was published just before Christmas and is still available for purchase at the Jackson-Madison County Library. Its main feature is the superb photography work of Jackson photographer Mitch Carter. Browsers of this book will be fascinated by the “then & now” comparative photos and some wonderfully clear aerial photos of Jackson. Thomas Aud’s photo captions provide intriguing historical and descriptive information for the photos, while Harbert Alexander weaves it all together with his narrative. Mary Reed’s profiles bring the focus closer on many present businesses, institutions, and corporations. There is much to explore in this book. "
New Books Added in the Tennessee RoomA Memorable FriendBig Maybelle State Historical MarkerRemembering Robert D. TaylorThe Obituary Index and the People Behind ItMore Than Names on a WallHardin County Blue and GrayThe Tigretts of West TennesseeAtlas of the Transatlantic Slave TradeMarathon Motor WorksMr. A.M. Pounds and his 90th BirthdayJackson & Madison County Book on Sale for Reduced Price
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